Aurora freestyle red exhibtion

Black and White, a concept as ancient and primal as the universe itself. Primarily associated with Light and Darkness, and a symbolic representation of our perception of dualism and the opposite nature of all things in the cosmos. 'Up and down', 'hot and cold', 'positive and negative', 'true and false', and so the list goes on and on. It can also be associated with the concept of Good and Evil, and of Life and Death depending on one's cultural perspective.

As we explore this idea in our current release, a canvas composed purely of either black or white, is nothing more than a blank void bereft of any tangible meaning. It is only when both aspects begin to dance in shades of gray and of varying contrasts, can meaningful imagery be discerned and appreciated. Just like the Yin and Yang diagram, both aspects of the black and white are complementary, interconnected and interdependent of each other, thus achieving balance and harmony as with all things in life and the cosmos.

Let us then see past the dichotomy, and appreciate the intermingling of shades between light and dark that resulted in the creation of these beautiful artworks.